Welcome Hailee Dickerson Our New 4-H Agent in Person County
Person County is welcoming its new 4-H agent, Hailee Dickerson! Hailee brings a wealth of experience to the role, …
Job Description Provide administration for the Person County Extension Center. Provide educational programming to assist the citizens of Person County in the Agriculture and CRD areas. My duties include, but are not limited to, helping farmers and land owners with fertility, insect and disease management, variety selection, horticultural issues, and agricultural economics.
Person County is welcoming its new 4-H agent, Hailee Dickerson! Hailee brings a wealth of experience to the role, …
MASTER GARDENER TRAINING Thursday classes; Feb 9, 2023-May 25, 2023; 9 a.m. – Noon Classes held at the Berea Vol. …